“Behold the wood of the Cross on which hung the Savior of the world.”
One Bread, One Body
Although Mass was celebrated as early as 1891 in residents’ homes of Wagoner, I.T. (Indian Territory), Wagoner’s first Catholic
There were twelve other pastors that served the parish over the next 30+ years before Father Paul Brown was named pastor in 1942. He organized the first Altar Society, which is still active
On June 2, 1996, Holy Cross parishioners, under the guidance of much beloved Father Stephen MacAulay, ushered in their second hundred years by dedicating the third Holy Cross parish complex in its present location at S.W. 15th & Pierce Ave. Mindful of our predecessors’ deep faith in 1895, may Holy Cross continue to grow and prosper. And may the Holy Spirit support and guide us on our journey of faith.
The above stained glass window was relocated to the present church when it was built in 1996. It was originally donated by Regina Steil when the mission style church was built in 1910. Her granddaughter, Monica Brandenberg, made her First Communion at Holy Cross Church in 1911.